Female orgasm: the best indicator of sexual climax

The causes that cause the female anorgasmia are varied. At lower incidence, alcohol, drugs or medication may be the problem, but usually, in a high percentage that exceeds 90%, is produced by emotional issues. With the help of a therapist you can solve the problem.

The lack of orgasm is a sexual dysfunction that suffer more women than men, the latter also suffer, in a lower percentage, but sometimes confused with ejaculation and not correctly diagnosed.

When talking about anorgasmia, it does not mean that there is no ejaculation, but a sexual dysfunction that makes orgasm impossible. When a woman has never experienced an orgasm through stimulation this is a primary problem. On the other hand, if you normally get orgasm but suddenly do not feel it, then you talk about secondary anorgasmia.

Another type of anorgasmia to comment, and which many women do not take into account, is known as relative. That is, it can be achieved through various methods of stimulation such as masturbation or oral sex, but not in intercourse.

It is a more common issue than it seems, and many women think it is something normal, even if it is not. There are also couples who maintain a selfish attitude because they have reached the sexual climax. As it appears in the title of the news, the female orgasm is the best way to know that your partner has enjoyed the sexual encounter.

Regardless of the situation, the absence of sexual climax can cause problems in couple for lack of understanding. Anorgasmia can and should be treated with a specialist, who will decide whether to follow an individual or couple therapy.

The causes of sexual dysfunction regarding the emotional part must be sought in the lack of information, latent cultural problems in society such as machismo or the reputation of women in terms of sex, gender violence, rape or sexual abuse, Bad experiences with couples, lack of marital understanding or unresolved internal problems. These are just some of the problems that cause dysfunction. Others like drugs, antidepressants or alcohol can be dysfunction caua.

It is necessary to take into account that to obtain the female orgasm they influence more physiological factors than in the masculine one. Therefore, problems that affect women can adversely affect relaxation or stimulation. Communication with the couple is fundamental to try to solve what women like or dislike so that both reach sexual satisfaction. This is true whether it is male or female couples.

Anorgasmia has a solution. If communication is not advanced (in the event that this is the cause) the woman must be put in the hands of a specialist who solves the problem. Many times it is solved with exercises indicated for each person. But the main thing is to open the mind to the problem to get the sexual and emotional climax.

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